Young adults often need assistance transitioning from school to adult life. Improving outcomes is so important that the US Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) announced the initiative Expect, Engage, and Empower Initiative to improve postsecondary outcomes for students with disabilities and to challenge the education and vocational rehabilitation systems to work together to ensure that these students have the knowledge, resources, and support services to make the best choices for their future.
Transition Agencies and Services
The following transition agencies and services can help to bridge school programs and adult life, including higher education or training, employment, independent living, and community participation.
Housing and Residential Supports Toolkit provides an overview of the various housing options, funding, and support services that may be useful when exploring independent living options for students with disabilities.
The mission of CLASS is to support people with disabilities as they explore options, participate in the community, and strive toward equality. They are "WORKING TOWARD A COMMUNITY WHERE EACH BELONGS." CLASS currently offers residential services, community skills training, vocational programs, attendant care services, outreach, and advocacy.
Easterseals is leading the way to full equity, inclusion, and access by enriching education, enhancing health, expanding employment, and elevating community.
Easterseals Western and Central Pennsylvania is a disability non-profit providing services through a variety of programs including but not limited to:
• Adult and Senior Services
• Employment Services/ Vocational Rehabilitation
• Children's Services
• Camping and Recreation
• Medical Rehabilitation
• Residential Services
• Interpreting Services
The Transitions Program at Glade Run is an innovative curriculum developed by experts who believe that students are most successful when purposefully engaged in self-directed and experiential learning. Glade Run’s staff work with a student’s IEP team to develop and implement a transition plan. Parents also play an integral role in tailoring the program to the individual.
For youth, families, and all other transition stakeholders, the LTCCs are a primary contact for local support and resources related to secondary transition.There are over 70 Local Transition Coordinating Councils (LTCCs) operating across Pennsylvania. With cross-stakeholder representation, many meet several times throughout the year to share information and resources. Some Councils hold interagency staffings to identify potential supports and services that may be available for transitioning youth.
Parents Helping Parents has shared several transition videos on their web site. Great resources!
PaTTAN has developed a lot of resources to assist students, families, and teachers in the successful transition of students with disabilities. Consultants at PaTTAN created a padlet of Virtual Secondary Transition Resources.
National Alliance for Secondary Education and Transition.
National Center on Secondary Education and Transition.
Transition IEPs
Beginning at age 14, the IEP for students with disabilities should address the academic, living, and working transition goals and needs. The following resources are available to assist parents with the IEP transition needs.
AIR has created a tip sheet for things to consider on the IEP to address transition needs.
Resources on this page are provided by educators and families from around the world. These materials are open source and may be adapted to fit your child or student's need.
A checklist for parents to help guide your child about employment.
PaTTAN has developed a lot of resources to assist students, families, and teachers in the successful transition of students with disabilities. Consultants at PaTTAN created a padlet of Virtual Secondary Transition Resources.
VCU-DRRP developed a great side-by-side reference which explains the differences between supported and customized employment.
Post-Secondary Education
Many students with disabilities have a goal of attending post-secondary schools. This section provides information that may be helpful for post-secondary plans.